Sunday, January 21, 2007


So this is a new year and we are all looking at what we did last year and what we can do to make this year better. have i done anything that i would have changed if i could? Did i wish i had done something? Is there anything i could have done to make myself look any better? Did i do anything different from 05, was 06 better?
All these questions, what to do, what to do. Regrets are what i don't have my year was great. i did a few shit and a few shit happened but i'm alive. I live and i learn and so should you. we spend all our lives thinking about what we did wrong and make our lives pass us by. worrying about what we said, shit you can't unsay it get the fuck over it. Things Cant be taken back, move on and live. Try to make it better dont live on the bad. We have only but one life to live, don't regret that life. dont be the one that says in the end ", if i had known."
I don't know much because i am young but for the little i know, i understand. I have life and i will lie it. We were given a choice in life so how dare me judge anyone, so how dare you judge me. I face that i can do it means something (it was an option), let me be. I let others be but whats the point of looking back on the bad if they dont make you feel any better. live your life for today.

1 comment:

CrazySexyCool said...

How did you get so wise? You are such a smart girl. Some of it needs to rub off on me.